Does your website need a little visual stimulant?

The online world is the fastest growing form of communication that exists. Therefore, it is extremely vital to keep up with the pace when trying to reach out to potential customers, clients, and target audiences. Obviously, there are countless ways to do this, but taking a good look at your website is a great first step. Does your website say current, savvy, and trendy? Or does it come off as bland, unclear, outdated, or dysfunctional? If you have any doubts, have no fear. Creativetopia can certainly help.

If you realize that your website in fact needs a makeover, take into account that it may just need to be a little cleaned up as opposed to creating any overly intricate and complicated clutter. The best websites are cleverly organized and easy to navigate through. There are a few aesthetic pointers that make your website stand above the rest…

Layout Your Site

Although it works for us sometimes, don’t fly by the seat of your pants on this one. Have a plan that will help you organize your content and trash the unnecessary stuff.  In the long run, this kind of pre thinking will give your website a finished and polished look.

Design Flat

This means minimal drop shadows, gradients, textures, and other 3D elements. An over abundance of those can hinder a website and cause it to look stuffy and outdated.  Therefore, a readable, clean, and crisp site is the way to go as opposed to pixilated, blurry, or cluttered.

Vary Typography (but don’t get crazy)

Variety is the spice of life, but proceed with caution when attempting this tip! There is a fine line between beautifully choreographed typography and a font catastrophe slapped up on a screen.  If done successfully, it can bring a whole new and trendy style to your website.

Single Page

This is an optional tip based on personal preference. It is becoming increasingly popular to have all website content organized on one long single page that the user scrolls through. The advantages to this method can allow the user to feel more interactive with the website.

Full-Width Images

If you’re looking for an eye-catching technique to lure users in, this tip may work for you. When a beautiful high definition photograph fills the entire space of the website it can encompass a unique look without much work at all. When there is flat vector design placed over the top, your website can take on a whole different feel.


Infographics work very well to catch someone’s attention quickly because they are so visually depicting.  Users receive information very quickly without them having to read long paragraphs and scrolling.

Articles (kind of like this one)

Posting regularly on your website lets users know that you run a professional and avid business. When you talk about the goals, expertise, and experiences of your business, it shows a consistency that users sometimes unknowingly seek.

Make it Responsive

This may be one of the most important tips for your website. Everyone uses their smartphones to access the internet. It is an essentially growing trait that websites must have these days. However, if you have a separate mobile app, making your website responsive may not be totally necessary, but would never hurt.

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