How to do social media funny

Not everyone can do funny. If you can manage to even get a hint of a “ha” out of someone, or better yet knock them over with laughter, you should definitely play up that humor of yours. With all the rest of the social commentators out there, you’ve got heavy competition so finding ways to stand out will help keep you fresh in people’s minds. It’s human nature to love real, raw emotions so it’s no surprise that humorous social media strategies have proven to be the best attention grabbers. So take a break from the streamlined approach to self promotion and loosen your tie.

Remember though, there is also a social etiquette for things said online just like things said in public…only the lines are a bit more blurry in the virtual world. We’ve got your back. Here’s how to do social media funny, friendly, and effectively.

1. Find the funny in the seemingly mundane. When it comes to selling your product or service it’s never a “boring” problem that gets in the way, it’s a “you” problem. Not to say you have problems or anything but in this consumerist concentrated world it’s easy for us to get bored…we see a lot of the same products only with different labels. The key is to see past the label and past the intended use/benefit of the product or service, to switch things up and instead think of more unique ways in which to showcase the product/service and its significance. Captioned photos are a great way to advertise your brand as they provide humorous narrative to even the most ordinary situations. These are really blowing up on social media platforms as they take a seemingly everyday situation and make it more appealing to the audience by implying a funny event or outcome.

2. “Clean, Clear and Under Control”
With social media posts becoming less private and more permanent, it’s increasingly important that you keep your social media strategy tastefully clean. Rule of thumb: Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want your grandma to hear. Pay heed to what you post, when you post and where you post as you don’t want to risk being offensive. Touchy topics such as politics or religion are probably not something you want to make too much light of as you can easily appear insensitive in doing so.

3. Quit wit is winning.
Don’t have a big budget for advertising? Witty social media statements can go further than the ad dollar. Original concise statements that have a hint of humor or sarcasm will pique the interests of others because they show that a brand can think for itself and dares to be different than its competitors.

4. Don’t take yourself too seriously. No one is perfect and people who act like they are are rather transparent. Not taking yourself too seriously shows a lot about your character, that you’re not afraid to make yourself a little vulnerable. Showing your audience you can laugh at yourself will get you lots of brownie points, or in this case a lot of Facebook “Likes”. By being willing to share your mistakes publicly, you appear more human and therefore your audience will be more trusting and comforted in the endeavors of your product or service.

5. Unedited humor is the best kind. Everyone loves a good blooper because it’s completely unplanned humor–a great way to show the character of your brand and your brand culture in its most natural form while bringing a smile to the face of your audience.

While it’s highly unlikely that everyone will appreciate your company’s brand of humor, you should at least be sure that your target audience finds it enticing. Because there’s a risk that comes with using humor in your social media, it’s important that your tone is in alignment with the overall personality of your target audience. If you’re struggling to figure out just exactly what that tone is or are not quite sure how to do social media funny, it’s probably a good idea to seek the guidance of a professional marketer. Contact Creativetopia (615) 656-7488 and we’ll help you come up with some clever angles so that you can have a bit more fun with your social messaging and hopefully gain more clients as a result!

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