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5 ways to make your website stand out from your competition


Making your website stand out from the crowd.

What does this number mean to you?

According to Netcraft’s Web Server Survey, that’s the number of active websites as of October 2012 so for all you website owners out there, your jaw probably just dropped. While the competition for website traffic isn’t as cut throat as The Hunger Games, over half a billion is kind of a lot to be up against. You’re all competing for search rankings (heck, we are too!) and viewership but how are you going to be successful in winning over the eyes of your target audience when there are so many related websites that can easily divert their attention? It may sound like an impossible task but at Creativetopia that word does not exist so wipe that worry off your face. We firmly believe that anything can be accomplished with the right tools at hand. While we can’t give away all of our secrets we can offer advice on 5 ways to make your website stand out from the crowd.

Anticipate the Needs of Your Audience
When it comes to building a website, many businesses get it all wrong. That is, rather than considering the audience they’re aiming to gain attention from, they get stuck in their own vision. It’s important to remember that your website is more for your clients and customers than it is for you. You’re the host so just as you would do when throwing a party, take the time to think about who is likely to come to your site and who specifically you want your site to reach. Figure out what their interests and needs are and how you can cater to them in a unique way. You don’t want your guests to just have a drink and go, you want to go above and beyond in order to make an impression that they continually rave about!

Brand Yourself With An Inviting Logo
Think of your logo as your welcome sign. It’s a way for people to get an initial feel for your brand–your elevator pitch in visual form. For current clients it’s their way of recognizing you and for prospective clients it’s their first taste of what you have to offer. A professional, polished logo design shows promise. It says “hey, we’re the real deal”–and sets the expectation for the rest of your site. Think about it. More often than not if you’re digging a logo from the get go, it’s a pretty good indication that you’ll find potential in the company behind it.

Set the Stage With Good Design
A good logo sets the stage and sparks the interest of the audience but it’s the overall website design that convinces them to stick around and browse awhile. Though you may be inclined to incorporate flashy elements, the key to good website design is simplicity. For starters a well laid out site has easy-to-read typography (good looking helps too so steer clear of Comic Sans) so that your content doesn’t induce headache, a good amount of white space for a clean feel, and a complementary color scheme that helps to unify your website with your logo. Complex flash elements might sound cool in theory but they are easily distracting and can often make it next to impossible to navigate the site. So if you’re going to go for the over the top wow factor definitely limit it to the splash page of your website. After all, the content is what you want to get across to the reader and if they can’t find it then you pretty much wasted your time and theirs.

Entice Your Audience With A Compelling Message
So you’ve built the framework and won the audience over with visual appeal but it’s equally important to work it from a content standpoint. Unless you’re an artist, photographer, model or are in another visually related field your website isn’t going to serve you well by simply looking good. While good looks help, your customers want to see that you’ve got some sort of substance. To really make your website stand out from the your competition you must engage the minds of your audience. With multiple pages at your disposal, this is your chance to prove your legitimacy with content that is both informational and captivating. I’m talking crisp, concise, chest beating content without any fluff. You want to show your audience that YOU’RE the expert in your field so make a statement that sticks–one that is compelling, that encapsulates your brand personality, and most of all proves the value of your product or service.

Allow For Mobility
These days there are so many devices that have access to the internet and they keep getting more and more mobile and therefore more compact. People began ditching desktops for laptops quite some time ago but today they are increasingly turning to their tablets and smartphones to surf the net. Because your website can be viewed through an array of mediums, it has many more parameters it needs to meet in order to be user friendly for everyone. The last thing you want is for your website to look like a bunch of overlapping shapes when you pull it up on your iPhone at a conference or important lunch meeting with a client. You want to make sure that your website is clearly represented on all devices.

Keeping your website up to date with the latest and greatest can be hard. Don’t settle for second best! Instead, call on us for our website design and marketing expertise.

Twitter header photo - revamping Twitter personality

The new Twitter header photo allows you to be more forward facing.

Twitter got a makeover and it’s looking more and more like Facebook in disguise. For those of you who are avid Tweeters you know all about the new Twitter header photo option released last week. Much like the new Facebook timeline, Twitter is focusing a lot more on visuals with its debut of the new, large front and centered “Header Photo”.

This new Twitter header photo design is Twitter’s response to the long time user demand for a need to express themselves beyond the restraints of the 140-character tweet limit. Now Tweeters are able to show more of their unique personalities through more individualized personal pages. For businesses with Twitter accounts, this new featured header photo presents a huge advantage when it comes to leveraging your brand.

With the increased amount of visual space and without any limiting rules to play by (for now at least), Twitter’s new visual approach to profiles allows companies to further brand their business, strengthen their message and can even increase their website traffic by giving them an additional place to direct people to specifically targeted pages. Of course, just like with anything, to see the benefits of the new Twitter header photo you have to go about putting this new space to use in the right way. For instance, when incorporating another URL in the header photo to direct website traffic to a specific page the URL will not be clickable, so keeping it short and simple is imperative. Users should be able to remember the link when they go to type it in the URL field so that they don’t have to keep referencing the header photo itself.

The new Twitter header photo is also a great tool to use to solidify your brand. However, be careful to avoid unsightly brand statements caused by pixelation, graininess or other effects that come as a result of size warping. To make sure you get the professional looking, cohesive message you want to convey, it’s especially important to take into consideration the correct Twitter header photo dimensions. When uploading your logo and other graphics to your Twitter header remember the following dimensions: 1252 pixels (width) by 626 pixels (height).

If you’re looking to put your new Twitter header photo face forward before your competitors and before the specifications get more complex but aren’t sure how to make the transition or just can’t find the time in your busy day to make the switcheroo, the social networking gurus at Creativetopia are happy to help get your social profiles where they need to be! Reach us at (615) 656-7488 or simply shoot us an email at Until next time 🙂

How to do social media funny

Not everyone can do funny. If you can manage to even get a hint of a “ha” out of someone, or better yet knock them over with laughter, you should definitely play up that humor of yours. With all the rest of the social commentators out there, you’ve got heavy competition so finding ways to stand out will help keep you fresh in people’s minds. It’s human nature to love real, raw emotions so it’s no surprise that humorous social media strategies have proven to be the best attention grabbers. So take a break from the streamlined approach to self promotion and loosen your tie.

Remember though, there is also a social etiquette for things said online just like things said in public…only the lines are a bit more blurry in the virtual world. We’ve got your back. Here’s how to do social media funny, friendly, and effectively.

1. Find the funny in the seemingly mundane. When it comes to selling your product or service it’s never a “boring” problem that gets in the way, it’s a “you” problem. Not to say you have problems or anything but in this consumerist concentrated world it’s easy for us to get bored…we see a lot of the same products only with different labels. The key is to see past the label and past the intended use/benefit of the product or service, to switch things up and instead think of more unique ways in which to showcase the product/service and its significance. Captioned photos are a great way to advertise your brand as they provide humorous narrative to even the most ordinary situations. These are really blowing up on social media platforms as they take a seemingly everyday situation and make it more appealing to the audience by implying a funny event or outcome.

2. “Clean, Clear and Under Control”
With social media posts becoming less private and more permanent, it’s increasingly important that you keep your social media strategy tastefully clean. Rule of thumb: Don’t say anything you wouldn’t want your grandma to hear. Pay heed to what you post, when you post and where you post as you don’t want to risk being offensive. Touchy topics such as politics or religion are probably not something you want to make too much light of as you can easily appear insensitive in doing so.

3. Quit wit is winning.
Don’t have a big budget for advertising? Witty social media statements can go further than the ad dollar. Original concise statements that have a hint of humor or sarcasm will pique the interests of others because they show that a brand can think for itself and dares to be different than its competitors.

4. Don’t take yourself too seriously. No one is perfect and people who act like they are are rather transparent. Not taking yourself too seriously shows a lot about your character, that you’re not afraid to make yourself a little vulnerable. Showing your audience you can laugh at yourself will get you lots of brownie points, or in this case a lot of Facebook “Likes”. By being willing to share your mistakes publicly, you appear more human and therefore your audience will be more trusting and comforted in the endeavors of your product or service.

5. Unedited humor is the best kind. Everyone loves a good blooper because it’s completely unplanned humor–a great way to show the character of your brand and your brand culture in its most natural form while bringing a smile to the face of your audience.

While it’s highly unlikely that everyone will appreciate your company’s brand of humor, you should at least be sure that your target audience finds it enticing. Because there’s a risk that comes with using humor in your social media, it’s important that your tone is in alignment with the overall personality of your target audience. If you’re struggling to figure out just exactly what that tone is or are not quite sure how to do social media funny, it’s probably a good idea to seek the guidance of a professional marketer. Contact Creativetopia (615) 656-7488 and we’ll help you come up with some clever angles so that you can have a bit more fun with your social messaging and hopefully gain more clients as a result!

WordPress Web Design: Why WordPress is the best platform for your brand-

We love the flexibility of WordPress web design.

We’ve tried many different CMS platforms but when it comes down to it we have a thing for the WordPress web design platform. Said to be the most user-friendly Content Management System (CMS), this free, open-source platform is not only a cost-effective web design solution for the client, but it simplifies the process for writers, designers and developers.

But what is it about this platform that presses our buttons in all the right ways?

For starters, it’s a website and a blog all in one!
Though it started out as a blogging platform in 2001, many web designers are using it as a cost effective web design solution. With so many plugins and resources available, small businesses can have a beautiful website and blog without spending a fortune.

WordPress empowers the client to take more control over their business
Clients love WordPress web designs because once they are created they are considerably easier to maintain than most. It doesn’t require some web development guru or really much formal web experience at all to man the operating board. With easy-to-use tools,  clients have the ability to control just about any aspect of the site’s content, allowing them to easily create new posts, upload new pictures and fine-tune pages, without having to deal with the frustrating technicalities of HTML or the possibility of messing up the entire functionality and format of the site.

Multi-User Functionality makes for easier accountability
WordPress enables the site creator to set up multiple user accounts so that many people can add content or make changes to the website. WordPress web design site creators can also assign different roles to different users. By limiting users to certain privileges there’s less of a risk that someone will mess something up. For example, I typically only have the ability to make posts while our developers full fledged admin capabilities allow them to go in and make coding and functionality changes.

You can’t beat a quick setup (or backup)!
Great for Nashville internet marketers who manage several websites at a time, WordPress, when compared to other platforms, is a breeze to set up. With no need for complex data migration, when it’s time to backup or redesign your website, the process is a piece of cake!

WordPress Designers get to have their cake and eat it too
Designers and developers like us love the WordPress platform because it allows us to have the best of both worlds–the ability to fully customize the look and feel of a website in a time-effective manner, while enjoying all of the user-friendly benefits that a content management system has to offer. Building and coding a website’s framework from scratch in Dreamweaver is very involved and can take longer than anticipated. With WordPress designs, we don’t have to spend as much time building a custom framework meaning that we can spend more time perfecting the layout of each page. Think about it like a pie. Instead of laboring over homemade dough, you get a premade crust. You can still add all the bells and whistles and you now have more time to make it a thing of perfection. We want to deliver our clients the best work possible without having to bill them for additional hours and with WordPress’s simple usability we are able to do so with ease!

We’re as good as it gets as far as Nashville WordPress website developers go so if you’re looking for a cost-effective way to boost your company’s web presence, drop us a line (615) 656-7488 and let’s get to work already!


Website Development Nashville can help ensure your website is a piece of cake to navigate.

We’ve stressed it again and again, if you’re a brand that wants to build a successful following, you’ve absolutely got to have web presence. Promoting your brand on Facebook and Twitter is great but doesn’t do much good if you don’t have a website for people to reference. Your website is your opening statement. It’s an opportunity for consumers to get an idea of what kind of business you run before getting too involved. They can read about you, they can see examples of your work, all of which helps to prove your legitimacy. If they get the impression that you’re serious about what you do, they’re more likely to seriously consider your products and/or services as valuable resources.

Yeah, good looks and smooth talk can get you a lot of places but what good do they do if there’s nothing to lead you in the right direction? A store can carry great product and have a beautiful atmosphere but without proper organization and good customer service it’d be hard to find what you’re looking for. That’s where the inner workings of website development come into play.

User-friendly navigation is key to successful website development not only from a presentation standpoint but from a business strategy standpoint. You want the user to see certain information so that they will then be driven to answer your call-to-action and you want them to enjoy their experience getting there. The navigation is often what stands in the way of the user and the goal, which is why it’s important to make travelling from one page to another as smooth and as short as possible. Providing clear direction is a huge part of the recipe for successful website development.

To achieve successful user-friendly navigation, the website designer and developer should be sure the structure provides the following:

  • Enables users to choose from a small selection of pages to visit.
  • A search function to that users can easily find things by typing in keywords.
  • Clear labels for the pages where navigation tabs lead you
  • A sense of direction as far as where the user is currently on the website and how they get back to where they came from.

There are many ways of organizing the content on your website for optimal flow. Some website navigation is content-based, meaning the navigation options appear consistently across all pages usually in some sort of hierarchical structure, while other sites (usually ones designed for devices interfaces) are more menu-driven, granting you access to isolated secondary pages through a main list of options. There are many other approaches to organizing your website for user-friendly navigation but I really hate to get all technical so we’ll leave it at that. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll have us deal with the nitty gritty website development anyways.

Do It Your Self Brand Identity

There’s a lot to consider when building a brand identity.

Whether it’s the unpredictable economy or people’s own stubborn nature, the DIY trend has become increasingly popular. While DIY is great for fostering creativity, the fact of the matter is there are some things that you just shouldn’t do yourself. Building your own website commonly falls under this category. There may be an abundance of online tutorials and information-rich articles out there that run you through the steps, but the fact is you should really have a brand identity and website design expert to show you the ropes.

While doing it yourself might initially seem like a great cost-effective solution, unless you’ve some background with computers and design, you’re likely going to wind up with a web presence that doesn’t quite speak to or do your brand’s identity justice. All of your efforts will have been a waste of time and you’ll be back at square one, only now you’ll be kicking yourself in the butt for not investing in a web designer in the first place.

We’re not going to waste our time and yours with complex tutorials, because, like we said (and believe it or not we know what we’re talking about), if your goal in creating a website is to enhance your brand identity, you should really seek the advice of someone who knows the ins and outs of all the various platforms. However, for those of you determined to take the do-it-yourself approach to virtualizing your brand identity, we’ll humor you with some tips.

1. Choose a Platform to Compliment
First and foremost, you should research and decide on an appropriate site platform. If you’re writing a blog, WordPress is your best bet. You can even use this platform to build your company’s website, though keep in mind that it can get tricky with coding, widgets, and other features, so you might want to reach out to someone who has some expertise with the platform.

2. Brainstorm Brand Identity and Content
Before you launch your site, narrow down your vision. What are your goals? What do you want for your brand identity a year from now? This step can be hard for business owners because they have so many ideas and dreams. That’s why, here at Creativetopia, we work with you to really solidify your values and goals into a clear brand message.

3. Consider the Domain Name
Everyone wants to be cool and memorable but when you’re deciding on a URL, it’s important to think about wording, spelling, length, and pertinence. Having a URL that contains relevant keywords will really help with your search ranking so you may want to spend a little extra time researching and finessing until you find a URL that will be most likely to generate traffic.

4. Deciding What Your Brand Identity Should Look Like
If you’re making a homemade website then you should really stick to a simple, easy-to-use template. Otherwise, you’re just setting yourself up for problems. If you’re wanting a site complete with all the bells and whistles, then hiring a web designer and developer is, without a doubt, your best bet. Not only can they help with the overall design, but they can oftentimes see the vision more clearly than the business owners themselves. These people are often so close to their business or product that it’s hard for them to take a step back to look at the big picture which inhibits their ability to break things down into a concise message for their audience.

Once you’ve spent all of this time getting your website up and running (we’re rooting for you really we are!) what’s the next step? There is much more to your site than just a pretty display of information. For your brand identity to really benefit from your website, you need to track down, develop your audience, and figure out what in the world you’re going to say to them. Now we’re talking Google Analytics and social networking, and that, my fellow creative thinkers, is a whole other, yet equally as important, ballgame that we will have to visit another time.

Creativetopia - The Law of Attraction for Developing Your Brand

 How strong is your brand identity?

Recognition is the result of a well developed brand identity. Before we approach someone or some situation, we usually spend a bit of time surveying. We’re like scavengers, looking and listening intently in order to collect as much information as possible so that by the time we actually make our approach, we have drawn some conclusion about the subject at hand.

As consumers, we hold the same mentality. We’re always perceiving and always developing feelings and preferences. Even when we purchase on impulse, something in our subconscious drives us to choose one product over another.

Just like you and me, brands have personalities, and based on their personalities they attract different people. The key to creating a successful brand identity is to establish your audience and get to know them like you know your right thumb is bigger than your left and the origin of the fading scar behind your ear. If you know what people like it’s a lot easier to please them. You want to make sure that if they love sunflowers you don’t deliver daisies. You want to keep them happy while still staying interesting enough to keep them on their toes. That’s the secret to developing a successful brand identity that will attract new business.

So where do you begin?

First you have to define your target audience. You probably have a few different audiences, but who is most loyal to you? Who makes your product or service a priority in their lives?

Once you’ve figured out who your core group of fans are, get to know them. Focus groups and market research are a great way to do this. After all, brand identity is largely based upon your target audience.

From here you should have a pretty good idea of what your target audience is looking for and can begin making a game plan as to how to talk to them and share what makes you unique. Remember, all audiences respond differently so it’s important to think about the best way to get the message across. You probably wouldn’t speak to your grandmother the same way you’d speak to your best friends. With the former, you’d be more careful about what you say and how you say it. You’d probably leave out details and would hold your tongue more so than you would around your crew.

Don’t forget that what you’re communicating is just as important as how you are communicating. Every company has a brand promise, a deal between you and your consumers that defines what makes your brand special to your target audience.

It’s important to establish this promise from the get-go as it will help guide you in all of your marketing efforts, enabling you to effectively reach and attract your loyal customers and therefore maintain the value of your brand identity.

Social Networking: Bridging the Gap Between You and Your Clients

Social Networking is essential to growing your business and a large part of what we do at Creativetopia is help build social bridges. Not only do we build our own personal bridges of success, but we help our clients build relationships with potential clients of interest, as well as strengthen and foster the relationships they have with their existing clients, through social networking strategies.

If you’re looking to increase your company’s visibility you’re going to need to take things to the next level by becoming more socially present. This doesn’t mean just going to networking events and passing out your company’s business cards left and right. While face-to-face meetings are effective, they are no longer sufficient enough to achieve your marketing goals in today’s world. Many business relationships are initially being made through social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Not only do these social networking platforms save you time, they are more effective at connecting people across cities, states, and countries based on common interests. People no longer have to carve out time for an hour long coffee meetup. This new revolution of online connections and meetups makes the process of networking more efficient by eliminating much of the petty social dance as well as the time conflicts associated with a coffee meetup, therefore allowing all collaborating parties to get down to business faster.

Most people are already mingling in these social networking  realms as a means of staying personally connected with old friends and co-workers. In fact, as reported by Buzztown Manager Grant Pullman, between 2009 and 2012, the number of people using social media jumped from 39 percent to 71 percent. What was once just a network of college students and business professionals is now a directory full of people representing all age groups and geographically more diverse. I mean, parents and grandparents are even making Facebook accounts to keep up with their children and grandchildren. With the age demographic expanding quickly, there’s a wider variety of conversations and interests being represented, making these networks extremely appealing target markets for advertising and promotion.

With this ever-growing population of online communities, you’re doing your business a disservice by not creating an online profile of some kind. These people are all at your disposal, clustered together chatting amongst themselves, and all you have to do is get them to listen.

As you know, looking for clients is much like looking for a job–it takes time and is hard work. Abstaining from this social networking revolution may cause you to miss out on prospects and business opportunities that you didn’t even know were out there. So date around, spark some interest, make some connections, and gain a few followers. With the new Google+, you can even hang out with your clients online. We’ll help you with the process. Heck, with our Gold Package we even take care of all of your marketing and social networking outreach for you (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogging–the whole works).